Did you know that sewage lines are used for everything in your home that involves water? Sewage lines are used to move water from showers, baths, dishwashers, washing machines and more out and away from the home. If one of the line is compromised due to a clog or break, it can cause a sewage backup that can clog your whole home. The water in a sewage backup is incredibly harmful because it is full of harmful bacteria, fungus, human waste, and other microorganisms that can cause discomfort and illnesses to you and the people in your home.
What Causes A Sewage Backup In Your Home
Crosses Sewage Lines
After a heavy rain storm, sewage lines can become crossed. During a storm, pipelines can become flooded with more water than was originally indented for the pipe. Due to the increase in water and pressure, the sewage line can backup into low-lying drains, basements, or other flooring.
Older or Aging Sewage Systems
Prior to the popularization of the PVC Pipe in the ‘80s, sewage pipelines were often made with clay pipes - which were the most economical option during that time. The clay pipes have an average life of 50 to 60 years, so if you’re in an older home, investing in a new sewage system could save a lot of money in the long run. Once the use of PVC pipes rose, all contractors began using these pipes for sewage systems. PVC pipes have an estimated life of over 100 years. However, these pipes can still undergo other damages that lead to sewage backups.
Rooting Plants
Deep rooting plants can also cause sewage backups in a home. Plants root into the ground looking for any moisture that is present, and if there is a tiny crack in a sewage pipe, the plant will root into the pipe. If this happens, the small crack will expand and create a huge sewage backup. It is also important to note that the owner of the tree pays for all damages caused by the roots. So it a tree on your property roots into your neighbor sewage systems, you will pay for the damages.
How To Prevent Sewage Backups
As a homeowner, it’s important to know how to protect your home from sewage backups. Follow our tips to keep this type of water damage out of your home.
Do not flush products that cannot be dissolved. This includes feminine products, paper towels, contact lenses, diapers, baby wipes, or any other hygiene product. All of the items listed should be disposed of in the trash, not down the drain.
Do not pour hot oil down the sink. When cooking oil is hot it is a liquid, however, when the oil cools of it will begin to solidify and can cause clogs in the drains and will trap other foods in the drain.
To prevent excess hair from clogging the drains, place drain covers on the drains to catch hair.