5 Benefits of a Professional Water Damage Specialist

Water damage is an event that often catches property owners off guard. The second shock is usually how extensive the water restoration process and insurance claims process turn out to be. All of this gives a water loss the accurate reputation of being challenging and overwhelming. However, you can eliminate some of the hassle by working with professional water damage specialists such as Capital Restoration. 

5 Benefits of Partnering With Water Damage Specialists

We’ve compiled a few of the biggest benefits of choosing a trusted, local water damage specialist rather than attempting DIY measures for water extraction and drying.  

1. Get Back Into Your Routine Faster

Moisture wreaks havoc on the fixtures of your home, but many people don’t account for the fact that it does the same to your routine as well. A water damage specialist can respond immediately to clean, dry, and disinfect affected areas before making water damage repairs. Calling Capital Restoration means you can get back to normal life sooner without cutting corners. 

2. Prevent Mold Issues

Mold and water damage often go hand in hand. Since mold spores can have detrimental health consequences, it is worth it to work with an expert. Water damage specialists has the experience and knowledge needed to handle moldy situations. 

3. Minimize Repairs & Expenses

Water damage takes a serious toll on your wallet, especially if when left to sit. Calling water damage specialists immediately often makes the difference between a simple water extraction job and a full blow water restoration project with water damage repairs. Capital Restoration salvages the materials that we can to save you money and time.

4. Expert Advice & Experience

There are so many causes, categories, and hazards of water damage. This means that it is in your best interest to hire a professional water damage specialist to apply their expertise and training for water restoration. 

5. Documentation & Assistance With Insurance Claims

Choosing a trusted water damage specialist offers you assistance with your insurance claim. We properly document water losses from start to finish to increase your odds of receiving coverage.

Looking for Water Damage Specialists? Call Capital Restoration

If your property is suffering from water damage, our team is here to help. We provide professional water damage restoration services in the Atlanta metro area. Our team is IICRC-certified and guarantees your satisfaction.

How to Prevent Water Damage From Refrigerators & Ice Makers

As a professional water restoration company in the northern Atlanta area, Capital Restoration has seen plenty of flooded kitchens. Whether from a faulty refrigerator, ice maker, supply line, or connecting part, there are ample opportunities for something to go wrong in this space. Because the refrigerator’s parts and components deteriorate and crack over time, it can be easy for a leak to spring up and take you by surprise. Be sure to use these important tips to prevent refrigerator and ice maker water damage.

Refrigerator & Ice Maker Water Damage Prevention Tips

You may be thinking: how much damage can a fridge or ice maker leak actually cause? The truth is that while seemingly insignificant, a leak can destroy your wall, floor, and everything in between. Here is how to respond if this situation happens in your home.

Typical Refrigerator & Ice Maker Water Damages & Repairs

Consider yourself lucky if you are home when a fridge or ice maker leak happens. You’ll want to soak up the water and dry floors and walls. This should be enough to prevent widespread damage. As long as the area is properly dried, mold should not be an issue.

On the other hand, if you are away from home when a leak happens, you may be facing a more pressing issue. When left to sit, the water infiltrates the floor and drywall. This may mean that water damage repairs could be required to restore full functionality to your kitchen. Mold may be another concern.

Do not attempt any water damage repairs without the proper training and tools.

Will Homeowners Insurance Cover Refrigerator & Ice Maker Water Damage?

Unfortunately, if you experience a slow leak from a freezer, ice maker, or fridge, it is generally not covered by the general homeowners insurance policy. However, you will be covered for sudden, accidental leaks and malfunctions. Negligence does not apply.

How to Prevent Water Damage From Kitchen Appliances 

A break in the water line can release several gallons of water before you have time to blink. Similarly, a slow leak can result in secondary damages that create a real headache for you. Here’s how to prevent kitchen appliance water damage:

  • Remove dust and debris that collects behind appliances.

  • Remove hard water build up.

  • Use copper or stainless steel replacement parts.

  • Turn off the main water supply when leaving for extended periods.

  • Periodically check around the fridge and under sinks for water damage.

  • Buy a water alarm that sounds when in contact with moisture.

Prevention is Your Best Defense Against Water Damage

Keep your home safe from refrigerator and ice maker water damage, mold, and other secondary damages with these tips. If you should have a leak or flood, Capital Restoration is always here to assist with your property!

Preparing for Storm Damage

Are You Prepared for Hurricane Season?

Preparing your home for storm damage is extremely important this time of the year as we are in the midst of hurricane season. The 2019 hurricane season is between May 20 to November 30, and in Atlanta, we are often faced with the heavy rains caused by these torrential storms. The water damage can completely destroy your home, and often, the strong winds will cause trees to fall and cause further damages.


How to Stay Safe During a Storm 

Whether you are staying home during the storm, or are ordered to evacuate, we have tips to keep you and your family safe during all stages of a storm. 

Staying at Home

  • Identify and stay inside the safest area of your home throughout the duration of the storm. If there is not a safe area in your home, find the nearest storm shelter.

  • Know the different health hazards and physical dangers that are associated with a flood

  • Keep enough non-perishable foods in your home to last at least a week

  • Have a first-aid kit, battery-powered radios, flashlights, and bottled water on hand 

  • In case of power outages, keep a fully charged cell phone and portable battery, and fill up bathtubs and sinks for extra water to flush toilets 

If Ordered to Evacuate

  • If an evacuation is ordered, you should listen to authorities and leave the premises to ensure the safety of you and your family

  • You should have an evacuation route ready and it should be known by your family and loved ones

  • Before leaving your home, unplug all appliances and electronics and move important belongings to elevated surfaces to reduce the risk of water damage

  • Turn off the water and electricity 

  • When leaving, fill up your car and pack first aid supplies and enough clothes to last at least a few days

What NOT to do During a Hurricane 

  • Do not use electrical equipment that has been affected by water - only use a phone if there is an emergency

  • Do not go outside, even if the the storm may appear to be dying down

  • Do not use candles during the storm because of the risk of causing a fire - use battery-powered flashlights instead

  • Do not walk or wade through waters that are higher than your knees - the water may hold contaminates like glass


What to do After a Storm?

If evacuated, you should not enter your home or property until it is fully cleared by a safety official. Once you have returned to your home, you should throw away all perishable foods and other items that have been contaminated. You should also continue to drink and cook with bottled water until pipelines and water systems are inspected. Additionally, you should also avoid using electrical items until inspected. 

After you start settling back into your home, you should begin the flood damage cleanup and restoration process. If standing water is remaining inside your home, you should extract immediately to prevent further damages.

Protect Your Home From A Sewage Backup


Did you know that sewage lines are used for everything in your home that involves water? Sewage lines are used to move water from showers, baths, dishwashers, washing machines and more out and away from the home. If one of the line is compromised due to a clog or break, it can cause a sewage backup that can clog your whole home. The water in a sewage backup is incredibly harmful because it is full of harmful bacteria, fungus, human waste, and other microorganisms that can cause discomfort and illnesses to you and the people in your home.


What Causes A Sewage Backup In Your Home

Crosses Sewage Lines

After a heavy rain storm, sewage lines can become crossed. During a storm, pipelines can become flooded with more water than was originally indented for the pipe. Due to the increase in water and pressure, the sewage line can backup into low-lying drains, basements, or other flooring.

Older or Aging Sewage Systems

Prior to the popularization of the PVC Pipe in the ‘80s, sewage pipelines were often made with clay pipes - which were the most economical option during that time. The clay pipes have an average life of 50 to 60 years, so if you’re in an older home, investing in a new sewage system could save a lot of money in the long run. Once the use of PVC pipes rose, all contractors began using these pipes for sewage systems. PVC pipes have an estimated life of over 100 years. However, these pipes can still undergo other damages that lead to sewage backups.

Rooting Plants

Deep rooting plants can also cause sewage backups in a home. Plants root into the ground looking for any moisture that is present, and if there is a tiny crack in a sewage pipe, the plant will root into the pipe. If this happens, the small crack will expand and create a huge sewage backup. It is also important to note that the owner of the tree pays for all damages caused by the roots. So it a tree on your property roots into your neighbor sewage systems, you will pay for the damages.

How To Prevent Sewage Backups

As a homeowner, it’s important to know how to protect your home from sewage backups. Follow our tips to keep this type of water damage out of your home.

  1. Do not flush products that cannot be dissolved. This includes feminine products, paper towels, contact lenses, diapers, baby wipes, or any other hygiene product. All of the items listed should be disposed of in the trash, not down the drain.

  2. Do not pour hot oil down the sink. When cooking oil is hot it is a liquid, however, when the oil cools of it will begin to solidify and can cause clogs in the drains and will trap other foods in the drain.

  3. To prevent excess hair from clogging the drains, place drain covers on the drains to catch hair.